Hyatt Regency Taba Heights

 Ägypten - Taba
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Hotel facilities including 24-h reception, WiFi, kids' club, shopping, casino, 3 restaurants, swimming pool, children's pool, 4 bars, fitness center, treatments & spa services, parking, private beach, diving and water sports.

All rooms in the hotel with air conditioning, TV, telephone, minibar, safety box and balcony.

** Please note that some of the above facilities may be closed due to weather / seasonal conditions.**
Address: P.O 46621, Taba, South Sinai, Egypt.

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4.1 von 5 Sternen

aus 19 Bewertungen

(letzte 12 Monate)

Hat alles sehr gut funktioniert, und auch das Telefonat war sehr freundlich und unterstützen. Lieben Dank