Langshott Manor
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The Manor House is a timber-framed, central-chimney House of Tudor origin, circa 1580. The site of the Manor was once moated, hence today's ponds. It is believed that a much earlier house occupied the site before the present Manor was built 400 years ago. This remarkable venue blends classic character with contemporary and well-thought design; just minutes from Gatwick Airport, it is wonderfully convenient yet retains a tranquil and undisturbed setting. One of Surrey's most sought after hotels, each room has been independently designed and draws historic elegance with modern day indulgence. Gastronomic delights include the 3 AA Rosette awarded Mulberry Restaurant and the Manor's popular Afternoon Teas. Close to a number of golf courses and beautiful countryside, it is equidistant between London and Brighton, both of which can easily be reached by road or train.