Masseria San Giovanni Sgadari

 Italien - Petralia Soprana
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This comfortable rural hotel is located in Enna. There are a total of 21 units on the premises. All kinds of guests will keep updated thanks to the Internet connection available at Masseria San Giovanni Sgadari. This establishment offers a 24-hour reception service, so that guests' needs will be fully met at any time of the day or night. Baby cots are available on request for children. This pet-friendly rural hotel accepts pets up to a maximum weight of 5 kg. There is a car park.
(2020-05-15 -> 2020-12-31: Due to local government measures and guidelines put in place by individual hotels to protect travellers through social distancing measures, it is likely that guests may find that facilities normally available at the hotel, for example the swimming pool, gym area, or buffet halls.)

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Bewertung für sonnenklar.TV - EUVIA Travel GmbH

4.1 von 5 Sternen

aus 19 Bewertungen

(letzte 12 Monate)

Ich bin schon einige Male mit sonnenkl TV Verreist und war immer wieder begeistert Danke fuer die tollen Angebote