Apartamentos Katavento

 Portugal - Monte Gordo
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The Apartmentos Katavento offers apartments T1's for up to 4 people. All apartments are equipped with American kitchenette, refrigerator, 2 A / C (room and bedroom), bathroom, balcony and LCD.

Also note that the Edificio Sailboat includes Edificio Katavento reception services of 09h00 to 12h30 and from 14h00 to 18h00 Mondays to Fridays, daily maid service (except Tuesdays), change of sheets twice a week and towels 3 times a week.

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Bewertung für sonnenklar.TV - EUVIA Travel GmbH

4.1 von 5 Sternen

aus 18 Bewertungen

(letzte 12 Monate)

Ich bin schon einige Male mit sonnenkl TV Verreist und war immer wieder begeistert Danke fuer die tollen Angebote